Your story really got to me, especially the part about missing people who are gone and still feeling close to them. I enjoy how you were real about how fraught these feelings are, adding the good part of still feeling them around with the tough part of not seeing them anymore. You speaking straight about how you went from just seeing how sad phenomena were to actually getting hit by it yourself makes everything you said feel even more real. It sticks in our minds that sorrow is extremely personal and changes how we see everything: your openness in telling your tale hit home for me and comforts others walking the same road. It is moreover apparent to you and I the incredible weightiness of sharing our deep stories. Reading about your deep feelings and changes has really spoken to me, so, thank you very much for opening up about such a close piece of your heart. Undoubtedly, there is unsurprisingly a potential to find some peace in hearing others share their own similar experiences.