Reading your article was really spectacular, especially how you discussed understanding ourselves even when things are tough; this content about being kind to yourself really stands out and is extremely encouraging; think about doing something every day just for you, to get better at seeing how amazing you are.
It doesn't have to be special—maybe just write down the good material that happens or what you're proud of in a journal. Also, convening with people who get you, online or face-to-face, can give you that extra bit of happiness you need. Doing things you love, like relaxing with a book, sitting quietly thinking, or just walking around wholly enjoying nature, can make a substantial difference too. Although it may seem incongruous, getting some help from a counselor could be revolutionary in dealing with the ups and downs better. You're walking this marvelous road towards knowing and fixing things about yourself, and these pieces of advice could strongly help you in this journey.
If you’re interested, feel free to check out my stories too!