Reading your article really struck a chord with me! It was extremely marvelous how you discussed how photography has changed from the antiquated film to the new digital age, and how that sort of made us lose touch with the whole hands-on feeling. Being into photography myself, I understand the excitement of waiting around for film to get developed and then finally getting to see what you shot.
Even though taking pictures with a digital camera is extremely handy, it's just not the same feel-wise as doing it the traditional way with film. We can easily see that. It's abundantly obvious that. I also thought you were right about how pictures in black and white just have this special way of telling a story that’s really spectacular, especially with how they play with shadows and light.
It's something I've noticed and loved too; the **main idea** of this entire piece is, clearly, that you did an amazing job of reminding us why photography is such a standout form of art--and making us miss the old times. Can't wait to look at what other amazing content you write about🤍