In what you may think is stark contrast, the way strangers show kindness and thanks can change our lives for the better. This story really made sense to me. In any way, that stood out a significant amount was when Sharia was saying, Nobody sees you when you are struggling to climb that rugged mountain--but everybody sees you when you arrive at the top.
That part hit home about all the quiet battles we're in and all the hard work nobody recognizes. We can take as a definite certainty that the story secures the portrayal of Lynette and Sharia being there for each other through thick and thin, even when everyone else wasn't.
It's both incredibly moving and motivating at the same time. And who hasn't felt that pressure and guilt from expected cheerleaders in their life? It's extremely relatable. Big congratulations for tackling such an unquestionably important topic with honesty and quite a bit of feeling🤍