In this piece, there's a significant quotient of talk about how tough it is for people to stay truly connected with each other because everything is on computers and phones now. It really explains how things were with showing love and compares it to how we do things today. It's kind of surprising to see how really speaking and sharing feelings is getting rare; then there's a bit about feeling good about yourself and how everyone's trying to look perfect all the time, which is actually messing up people's minds. It's causing a significant quotient of mental health issues, which is something everyone should think about, possibly. The article also cheers for going back to being real with each other and working hard to make good friends and caring about each other; this part definitely makes you feel like there's hope, especially because it discusses how being understanding and getting together as a community might help beat the loneliness that comes from too much screen time; this is perhaps of note (at least to certain readers) who've felt alone even when they spend a lot of time with friends or on the computer. And in the final analysis, one finds that this story is really about not forgetting the important items such as staying true with friends and family. It makes a strong case for not letting gadgets and apps take over our lives.